Corrective Physical Education


Physical education with a focus on correcting physical or bodily flaws through exercises and activities is known as “corrective physical education.”
The scientific application of particular bodily motions for the growth and restoration of the normal strength and functionality of damaged body parts is another definition of corrective physical education.

These defects can arise from a number of factors

  • Heredity
  • Disease
  • Injury
  • Psychology, etc.

Some Important objectives of corrective physical education

  • Corrective physical education aims to construct normal body as well as reconstruction of which are affected.
  • It helps to develop and maintain a perfect efficient and beautiful body.
  • Well develop is the optimum objective of corrective physical education.
  • Reconstruction or rehabilitation will only be required when there is some limitation or defect caused by number of factors like – injury, disease, poor posture, occupational and psychological aspect or congenital conditions. Physical disability can be reduced or corrected with the help of properly selected exercises and activities.
  • It helps in correction and prevention of various postural defects.
  • The fundamental body movements can be developed in the children from early stage of life and children can be made aware of correct body mechanics.
  • Corrective physical education educates the children at different stages during the process of development.
  • Abnormality in the posture often develops during the childhood when the growth is rapid and therefore thorough detail physical examination ensures proper care of the child and prevention of any postural defects. Early detection helps to carry out proper care.
  • Children already having certain postural defects like – kyphosis, scoliosis, flatfoot, etc. should be detected early and corrected with the help of proper and accurate exercises.
  • Corrective physical education can provide better position to educate healthy habit, physical alertness, correct body growth and discipline.
  • Corrective physical education aims in the improvement of the total health so that an individual can carry out various activities of the daily life.

Scopes of Corrective Physical Education

  • Assuring normal growth and development of all the children.
  • Application of conditioning exercises and activities for low physical fitness.
  • Postural training for perfect balance, education about proper body mechanics, prevention and correction of postural deviations when developed.
  • Exercises and activities for strengthening muscles, mobilizing joints, and functional skills etc.
  • Protection, prevention and management of athletic injuries.
  • Helping an individual at different stages in the development, also to people of all age groups.
  • Consideration of overall health problems of weak children.
  • Helping the physically disable persons and adapting skills and activities for their participation in the sports and games so that they can get as much joy out of living as possible.
  • Guidance and use of selected activities for social, emotional, and psychological adjustment.

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